One stress test/ecg system. pc base system.


Subject: One stress test/ecg system. pc base system.
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We are wholesale distributor specialist in new and refurbished items are available.
We are certain that you will find our product meets the highest expectations for quality and value.
NEW. One Year Limited Warranty. NEW...Never Used.
Warranty. One year: Excluded from this warranty are expendable supply items.
Treadmill or Ergo meter Optional. Computer, Monitor and Printer Included.
System is sold like the picture.
Computer, Monitor and printer are used. NO WARRANTY In these equipment's.
The system consists of an ECG interface USB cable, interface is connected from an USB port and an accompanying software package. Together with a standard computer and printer a highly versatile ECG system is created. The 3-12 Stress Test leads are recorded simultaneously and stored in a database for further processing. ECG can be shown in different formats and can be printed in different formats on normal white paper at any time.
The Stress Test can be set up of 3, 6 or 12 leads are shown in real time on the computer monitor. While the test is running Each 12 seconds an ‘average’ complex is calculated, using a program algorithm, which will be displayed over the initial reference average complex, showing you immediately which changes have occurred. ST and ST slope measurements are made for each average. In the process the test is save like temporal file to the end waiting for the user decision. The segment ST measurements can be toggled while recording between J, J+20ms, J+40ms, J+60ms, J+80ms, allowing you to adapt the measurements to the patient. Scrolling back in the recorded ECG while your real time monitor keeps on running is also possible, allowing you to confirm observations immediately and then print them
3-12 Channels Stress Test Display and Analysis.
Event Mark and St Segment Analysis.
Differents Protocols can be select from a database.
We can only accept returns for items that have been inadvertently misrepresented. Returns must be preauthorized before sending back. No items will be returned back after seven (7) days of being received.
If you have any questions, please contact us at:
Doral Medical Equipment and Supplies, Inc.
10800 N.W. 21 Street, Suite 220 Miami , Florida 33172
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