Demo dozer grapple for bobcat skid steer skidsteer 66"


Subject: Demo dozer grapple for bobcat skid steer skidsteer 66"
Demo Dozer 66" Grapple for Bobcat Skidsteer Skid Steer
This incredible tool was designed by a Pool Demolition Contractor and refined by a major bucket manufacturer. The quality of this bucket is like nothing you have ever seen. These are built for heavy commercial use.
Look for the hoses. You will have a hard time seeing them. They are completely buried in the framework so they cannot be damaged. The cylinders are completely covered to protect them as well. The minimum grade of steel on the unit is A50 and it goes up from there.
Check the weight and look at the quality and you will be sold.
The Demo-Dozer replaces the following tools:
* 4 in 1 Bucket - Grab, tear and clamp down on any material.
* Dozer Blade - The clam shell design has enclosed blades on the front that allow you to push dirt.
* Regular Bucket - This is a deluxe bucket and more.
* Grapple Bucket - The powerful grapple arms allow you to clamp down on almost any object with positive force.
* High Volume Bucket - High Side included allow you to completely fill the bucket with material.
Our prices reflect an approximate $1000 discount from what a major manufacturer was selling these for just weeks ago.
This product is Patent protected in the USA and Patent Pending in Canada.