Bvi 2500 bladderscan diagnostic bladder ultrasound


Subject: Bvi 2500 bladderscan diagnostic bladder ultrasound
BVI 2500 Bladderscan Diagnostic Bladder Ultrasound
Mint Condition Diagnostic Ultrasound Corporation BVI 2500 Bladderscan.
Please consult the FDA's website at for more information.
We charge 7% sales tax in the state of Florida
If applicable, upon sale of the item we will fax or email an FDA form. Please complete entire form and fax to .
Note: Not all items require an FDA form.
Bay Medical Equipment specializes in all types of new and pre-owned medical equipment, supplies and instrumentation. We sell items for the Physician Office, Exam Room, Operating Room, Surgery Center, Dental Office, and Laboratory. We also sell home medical equipment.