Hp/agilent 8131A pulse generator 500 mhz


Subject: Hp/agilent 8131A pulse generator 500 mhz
HP/Agilent 8131A Pulse Generator 500 MHZ
The fast and linear transitions of the 8131A are specified from 10% to 90% of amplitude, matching advanced ECL and many GaAs devices.
Cell characterization often requires two signals, clock and data. Dual-channel 8130A, 8131A generators provide these signals when one channel is set to double-pulse.
* 500 MHz, <200 ps fixed transitions
* Differential outputs: max. 5 Vpp into 50 Ohm
This item includes a CD copy of Operating and Programming Manual, Service Manual and Power Cord
* Our hours of operation are M-F, 10-5PM Pacific Standard Time.
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